Jornada Divulgativa Cátedra TotalEnergies | IA: Presente, futuro y aplicaciones a la sociedad


Andrés Torrubia

- Telecommunications engineer and leading AI entrepreneur.

- Co-founder of Medbravo, a company that applies AI to biomedical research.

- Recognised in international autonomous driving competitions (first place in Kaggle Spain and TOP 0.1% worldwide).

- He has participated in TEDx and outreach channels such as dotCSV.

Aurelia Bustos

- Oncologist, computer engineer and PhD in AI

- Recognized researcher in the application of AI in cancer treatment.

- Co-founder of Medbravo.

- She has received the Order of Civil Merit and the Distinction for Scientific Merit from the Generalitat Valenciana.

(Ilustración por cortesía de Guillermo Campos Morollón, alumno de Ingenería Informática).

Nov 29, 2024 4:00 PM
EPI Gijón
Aulario Sur, Gijón, Asturias 33203
Nahuel Costa, PhD
Nahuel Costa, PhD
Machine Learning researcher 🤖 Assistant professor