Ph.D. in Computer Science, assistant professor at the University of Oviedo and Machine Learning researcher 🤖. My research primarily focuses on the diagnosis and prognosis of systems with limited data for decision-making. This has allowed me to work on various fields and problems including Atrial Fibrillation, fPET images from patients in coma, Li-ion Batteries, Aircraft Engines, Industrial Fans, and Urban Regulation. I have a special interest in developing models that are transparent, easily interpretable, and accessible to non-experts in ML/AI. As an educator, I aim to convey my enthusiasm to students and provide them with the necessary tools to discover and pursue their own goals.
💬 Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in my research, looking for colaboration, or just for some interesting discussion.
✉️ You can shoot me a message at or any of my other social networks, I’ll try to respond as soon as I can!
PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 2023
University of Oviedo
MSc in Computer Science, 2020
University of Oviedo
BSc in Computer Science, 2018
University of Oviedo
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Co-Supervisor for a PhD thesis in AI for medical image analysis
Innovation Projects:
Subjects I teach:
Computer languages and systems area
Co-Supervisor for four BA thesis (two of them with highest honors)
Subject I taught: